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*Patent Applications Filed Within 1 Week


Provisional patent applications filed within 1 week are composed of relatively simple mechanical devices and consumer products.

The “1-week” period is measured from the date Patents Atlantic receives and reviews a written copy of the description of the invention, including sketches and/or images, until the date the provisional patent application is filed electronically at the United States Patent and Trademark Office.

Absent clarification required by Patents Atlantic regarding the submitted invention information, or the addition of new invention subject matter by the Inventor, Patents Atlantic will draft and forward a complete copy of the written patent specification draft and drawings (if necessary) to the Inventor for Inventor’s review.

In addition, and MOST IMPORTANTLY, Inventor either:


a)          Completely approves the patent specification and drawings as drafted (or otherwise in their 
             entirety); or


b)          Requests ONLY minor amends or corrections; i.e., grammatical errors.

Patents Atlantic will begin performing services under the Contract ONLY upon receipt of an executed copy† of Inventor’s Contract, including FULL payment of the fee set forth therein.

           †An executed copy is a copy of the Contract which includes Inventor’s dated


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